Plugging away in 2024
- March 16, 2024, 7:03 a.m.
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Having less burning since beginning the antibiotics but still feel oddly chilled at times and definitely tired. I hope the part where I feel cold isn’t because I’m getting hypo again. My weight is back up a bit but that’s only because I’ve been eating more. At least I hope that’s the only reason. I tried but I just can’t get myself to take my weight seriously enough to tough out the hunger in order to get the weight off and keep it off. So unless I became diabetic or it was a matter of do or die, I’m fat and that’s okay. I like to indulge at times and enjoy food and not be hungry.
I still snore a little because of my collapsed septum but not as much as when the losartan was making it really stuffy.
I was kind of bummed to learn that the honker is staying until May. I thought he would take off by mid-April, but an event he’s listed as being interested in takes place on April 27th and 28th. Oh well. I’ll only be trading him in for storms and weekly mowers as a threat to my sleep anyway. In May, they start mowing every week and of course, that’s the start of storm season. I have a feeling it’s going to be a lot stormier this summer, too.
Last updated March 28, 2024
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