Better in Everyday Ramblings

  • March 15, 2024, 4:08 p.m.
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I know this photo is a bit of a mess, but I like it. I have been keeping my eyes on these starburst-like daffodils the last week and it was finally warm enough and dry enough to take a decent shot.

It is such a gift to have the weather be amenable after what seemed like to everyone commenting locally, (and everyone has been commenting) one heck of a long slog. I know. Those of you a bit north might groan at this, but we are all used to what we are used to.

The deep relaxation and chest expanding practices I have been doing have worked and my heart has settled back into its normal rhythm. The next bit requires that I don’t get complacent.

Walt did publish my yoga piece today, along with two others.
You can find it HERE.

Of course I found a typo in it, because… no editor… He is going to fix it on the website and the print edition that goes into the prisons.

We had a bit of a dust up about the photo. He asked for a picture to accompany my piece and tie the dialogue together and I sent him the one with the two white roses. I prefer pictures of living things in reference to yoga. I use my own pictures in my weekly reminders to students.

He didn’t really want to use it, and I told him that was fine. But the one he posited instead was of a young thin white woman doing an extremely difficult arm balance in English we call the Scorpion. She did have her long brown hair tipped with red, so I guess that makes her hip. Even my incredibly fit young teacher wouldn’t do that pose back in the day, and certainly wouldn’t do it now.

I was kind of jammed for time because I had a League event starting when he passed this by me, and I was trying to be diplomatic when I said that I thought yoga was about so much more than the postures.

It is true that the next morning I did go on a bit about it to the assembled students I had in class. Something I am not proud of but every once in a while, a body needs to vent a little. I am trying to be kind to myself about this slip.

This guy is a woman forward thinker, hippie, egalitarian all the way, so I was surprised to find this pocket of well… misunderstanding manifesting in him.

I am a little uneasy about the photo in this context. I love it, I love the buttery light emanating from the center of both roses, but I have been hanging lately with some serious photographers both of whose work I appreciate. I am going to an Artist’s Talk by one of them at a gallery on Sunday afternoon.

The other one has a show up now in a coffeeshop across the river that features black and white shots of guys with beards. Magnificent beards. I have only seen four of the photos, one of them of an artist in our group with a long white beard and they are great. He takes pictures of people, that is his jam.

Everybody was laughing about not making any money in their artistic pursuits on Thursday.

This writing thing is so odd. I put my heart into it, at least anything that has a creative element to it, and then I send it out or share it and then…nothing. It is generous for people to read other people’s work. I am watching Walt and his delight and chuffed silliness about having the book out in the world and I wonder if a book of mine is in the pipeline what that is going to be like for me.

And I wonder if we ever get there what the discussion about the cover art will be.

I bet one of the photographer guys might be on tap for a project like that. Hmmm.

Last updated March 15, 2024

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