Here goes nothing in Bittersweet
- March 2, 2024, 1:10 a.m.
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- Public
How many receptionists have I had in 3 years.
DR. She was a nightmare with clients. They HATED her. She was rude and mean and ignored them. Then complained constantly she didnt get paid enough.
Then we hired NS. She was an older woman, this was before I interviewed with CEO. She hired NS who REALLY struggled with our systems. R thought she was getting dementia. I think she just didnt have the speed/skills to keep up.
Then we hired N, she stuck well.
Then there was A and shes done well.
Then there was Df who was last winter to spring. She took in her godchild after never being a parent and struggled immensely with a boyfriend, the toddler and work. Just showing up and doing bare minimum.
When she left, we hired Hateful A. Well all know how THAT ended.
Then A had her mental health issues and we hired M as backup. A returned part time and we moved M full time. Then Hateful A imploded and left. So now we are working on New M. I suppose I can say Mo and Me? haha. Honestly their names are 1 letter off. And we already have two Ms ( therapist M and AA M) So yeah its going to be something.
I guess all in all, in 3 years we had 4 who didnt work out. Thats not as bad as it could be really. National average for reception is 6 months. And people either STICK or they dont. Those that stick, will stay.
Right now If I lost A and M i would be like ok. Cool. Ill manage. Heck I had two applicants I liked in this round. I would call H who I liked but not as much as Mo. And say hey you still looking? lol. M wont leave, i dont think. She really loves being social and thats her downfall with us. Social great. Tasks needed!
Today N jumped in the main email and took over for M. She cleaned out 40 emails in 2 hours. I dont get where M is failing on this. Why is it SUCH a struggle. Because N and A can both clean it out in no time flat… And ANSWERING the concerns. Maybe I need M to sit with N again for a while and be like ok, you have go to speed up and N has that!!
Something has to change. IDK what, IDK how, But she has GOT to speed up!
So here goes nothing. New receptionist. CEO thinks she is a cross between N and I. That would be a pretty good mix!
Jinn ⋅ March 02, 2024
Good luck with it all. Possibly M. has trouble reading and so she avoids the emails . Surprisingly many people can just read enough to get by and then they keep it a secret .
ChainedChrysalis Jinn ⋅ March 02, 2024
That is a thought. She does communicate through text regularly. She is somewhat hard of hearing and wore a hearing aide as a child. We haven't had any kind of issues with that and seeing she told us in the interview. I got her a headset so she can get the receiver right in her ear. I lean more into she likes to talk a lot and is easily distracted.
Jinn ChainedChrysalis ⋅ March 02, 2024