total knee replacement in Hi This is Kat!

  • Feb. 14, 2024, 6:42 p.m.
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Here is Mark before his surgery Monday…

Here he is a few hours after surgery! We had a great experience at the hospital.... so much good quality care! Someone was in his room every few mins to check vitals, give him meds, therapy, social workers, the Chaplin, etc! This is the first time have used this hospital as it is an hour from home but the best surgeon works there. He came in twice to visit as did his assistant and the hospital doctor.
I am sure we paid dearly for all that extra attention but they really had him prepped well for going home yesterday! They sent us a bike last week.... it has a computer ran program that moves the leg for 20 mins and then the last two he moves it on his own.

He is walking very well but has the walker to stable him.... day three they say is the worst but his pain is not bad at all! …and he is pretty darn mobile. We did not attempt the stairs yesterday and might not today either. just staying on the main floor.

Getting mobil asap is the key to less pain and quicker recovery… The doc called me today and told me he is going to love his new knee… Mark had put off knee replacement for 25 years!!!!!!!!! The doc was so happy Mark finally gave in.

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