Another Roadside Attraction by Tom Robbins in Hello
- Jan. 31, 2024, 7:03 a.m.
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This is by far the weirdest book I’ve ever read.
However this excerpt rings so true.
The fact is, what I hated in the church was what I hated in society. Namely, authoritarians. Power freaks. Rigid dogmatists. Those greedy, under loved, undersexed twits who want to run everything. While the rest of us are living-busy tasting and testing and hugging and kissing and goofing and growing-they are busy taking over. Soon their sour tentacles are around everything: our governments, our economies, our schools, our publications, our arts and religious institutions. Men who lust for power, who are addicted to laws and other unhealthy abstractions, who long to govern and lead and censor and order and reward and punish; those men are the turds of Moloch, men who don’t know how to love, men who are sick afraid of death and are afraid of life: they fear all that is chaotic and unruly and free moving and changing-thus they fear nature and fear life itself, they deny life and in doing so deny God. They are presidents and governors and mayors and generals and police officials and chairman-of-the-boards. They are crafty cardinals and fat bishops and mean old monsignor masturbators. They are the most frightened and frightening mammals who prowl the planet; loveless, anal compulsive control freak authoritarians, and they are destroying everything that is wise and beautiful and free. And the most enormous ironic perversion is how they destroy in the name of Christ who is peace and God who is love.
Published in 1971, still relative to today’s world.
Last updated January 31, 2024
Nash ⋅ January 31, 2024
Jitterbug Perfume is his best in my opinion if you have not read it already.
J.E. Nash ⋅ January 31, 2024
I never heard of him till I picked this one up at a used book sale.
Ferret Mom ⋅ January 31, 2024
Suzanne gave me this exact book to read and I haven't started it yet. I'm thinking I should start it now. :)
J.E. Ferret Mom ⋅ January 31, 2024
It was a chore for me to finish but I'm glad I did.