the battle wages on in my challenge

  • Oct. 6, 2014, 11:11 a.m.
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well i haven’t fully recovered from the as it turns out pneumonia i had. the remnants is that i’m still coughing up stuff. its not bad as it was. just keeps me from getting a real work out in. i’ve been trying to do what i can. gonna aim for 3 days this week. light resistance training, no cardio, looking to up my zinc intake soon. not going completely paleo with the diet. i need the carbs to keep my energy up. still high protein though. probably accounts for 2/3 of my current intake. probably going to go back to cutting the salt. which sucks but gotta do it. if i can i might cycle test again to regain what i lost with this sickness. i might have a hook up. or i might just hit up a wellness center. that requires a little more homework. i need to get myself moving in the right direction again. i am not using sickness as an excuse but it is certainly a problem. i’ve lost 35 lbs thanks to this mess. while i don’t mind losing weight i hate it when its mostly muscle. everything is losing definition and size. while i have also lost some of the fat and water weight i can tell by the workouts that i am not the same beast i was just a few months ago. i think first i’m going to try and pump my numbers up naturally first and get a blood test, if i have a lower t count than i’d like i may supplement it with another cycle. but i am done with deca. that stuff sucks. everyone’s chemistry is different and it didn’t work for me. ok i’m going to keep pushing. i will get myself into maintenance shape! believe that!

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