A Day at the Zoo in Crafts

  • Oct. 3, 2014, 12:48 p.m.
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There is a very special zoo and has one unusual animal.

Meet Dino the dinosaur.
Dino the dino
Dino the dino

Not many zoos have a dinosaur much less a red dino with yellow spikes.

There are 2 animals in the zoo that was jealous of all the attention that Dino aways got.

This is Ellie the Elephant.

And here is Len the Lion.

One day the zoo keepers left gates open after feeding time. Ellie and Len noticed and ran to where Dino was. They were going to tell Dino to quit hogging all of the attention. but Dino didn’t like that idea and they all three started fighting. The zoo keepers came back to an awful mess.


Legs and bodies were everywhere and they were all mixed up. The zoo keepers realized it was up to them to put all three animals back together. But they weren’t quite sure what they were doing because they had never done it before.

And this is the result.

All the legs were put on the wrong animals and they looked at each other and laughed. And laughed. And laughed. And decided that they could have different colored legs when they wanted them. Plus they decided that they would get a lot of attention, just as much as Dino always got, by changing their leg colors whenever they wanted to.

And they lived happily ever after.

So these are my puzzle animals. Each of them have 2 sets of legs and 1 body so they can be changed over and over. I think it will be fun for Carson to put them together and take them apart.

I also made a giraffe but he is put together differently so I didn’t include him in my little story above.

Here are his pictures.

Not sure I am taking the giraffe to Carson. I think it might be confusing that he isn’t put together the right way.

What do yall think?

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