Day by day in Hello.

  • Oct. 3, 2014, 3:33 a.m.
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It looks like autumn is finally here. It’s been uncharacteristically warm these past couple of weeks, which has been great because Rob is off sailing all week. This morning the sky is grey, it’s windy and just generally autumny. It’s still warm, but there’s a nip in the air. I should really use this opportunity to go out foraging fir cones for a project I have in mind, but maybe I’ll just sit in and enjoy watching the weather through the windows.
Because this house is an old converted mill, at least 200 years old, maybe older, the wind finds all the little nooks, crannies and cracks and sneaks in. Not so that it’s whistling through the house, but enough to be moving things in the walls and blowing doors open and closed. I rather like it, it’s quite spooky! Although I had to prop Rob’s bedroom door open in the middle of the night as the creaking was getting on my nerves after a while. (I was having a dream where I was sleeping in my own tipi…I’d lined the walls with rugs and fairy lights, lit some incense and my bed was a small fur-lined tent, like a big cat bed, filled with cushions and fluffy blankets. I was a bit sad when I woke up in my normal bed, but hey, at least it’s an attainable dream!)
I know I say it at least once a week, but I’m so happy being back home and in this house.
Yeah, Rob’s sailing. I don’t know if I’ve mentioned it, but they were sailing from Greenock, around Arran and out into the Irish Sea, going over to Northern Ireland if the weather was favourable. It’s been sunny and still all week, now typically a weather front is heading down over them today, the day they were going to tackle the Irish Sea, so I don’t know if they’re going to do it now. John The Technophobe contacted him on FB messenger the other night (he figured it out all by himself!) and Rob got in touch a couple of days later to say he was sorry he’d ignored the message, he’d been mad busy. So at least we know he’s still alive, haha!
He had tidied his room before he went, vacuuming up the last of the feathers finally. Sadly, my poor old Dyson gave up the ghost and decided to die. Rob told me “The tiny battery had popped out of the plug, should I put it back?” :/ I’m sure I knew basic electrics when I was his age, but that maybe came from having a dad who was an electrician. Anyway, seeing as the Dyson had blown all the electrics when it was switched on, we decided to just replace it. It was about 8 or 9 years old anyway.
Bel has been sleeping in Rob’s room all week. I think she’s rather enjoyed having her own space. Rob’s room overlooks the river, so it was quite the novelty for Bel to sleep with the window open, listening to the water. I like doing that too, but in the height of summer....poor Bel woke up freezing and didn’t want to get out of bed!
I’m going to say this quick and quietly and hope you don’t see it: I’m not drinking for October and I’m also starting the Dukan. AGAIN. I know ‘they’ say you’re not supposed to try and do too many new things at once, but you’re not supposed to drink wine on the Dukan anyway, so it’s going to be easier. Most evenings, when John gets in from work, we have a couple of glasses of wine before bed, but I can live without it. I’ve got fat again, boo!
Speaking of a change of image, I don’t know if I’ve written in here that I’m not a redhead anymore, my hair is blonde. I used to bleach my hair before I put the dye in it and when my hair threatened to all snap off if I didn’t leave it alone, I decided to stop bleaching and dying it. I removed the red and my hair was a light blonde underneath. My natural colour is a dark blonde:

But right now my hair is this colour:

I think I can get away with this colour, because I have invisible eyebrows anyway. At least now I don’t have to worry about painting them on all the time, like I did when my hair was red. I’m letting it grow out. I have about an inch of regrowth now, but it doesn’t look too bad, it looks quite natural. I want to grow my hair long again and be able to put it up. I’m growing out the fringe to see how that looks. I’ve had a fringe for about 12 years now, it’s about time I tried something different! Kind of like this old photo of me and Shellie:

Last updated October 03, 2014

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