Hollow in 2023
- Jan. 17, 2024, 10:34 a.m.
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I did shit today.
I did a little shit yesterday too .. just shampooing a 4×4 area of carpet where the girls eat, but it got done. Honestly just super duper amplifies how badly the rest of the carpet needs to be done but meh.
Today I got up the gumption to have a shower finally but the bathroom was gross, idk when I properly deep cleaned it last so I obviously couldn’t have a shower until I cleaned the bathroom, which included organizing the cabinet below the sink.
I found your beard trimmer kit shoved in the back under a stack of bulk toothpaste. Looks like I found it once before and wasn’t ready for it at the time. I was ready today.
You got such a kick out of the apron that went around your neck and suction-cupped to the bathroom mirror. I had put it in your stocking that last Christmas .. more for me than you, haha, you never cleaned up your whiskers around the sink without it … what I wouldn’t do to have to wipe away your trimmed whiskers now.
I tucked it back away under the cabinet with your trimmers and shaving lotion. Like the stray sock that I know is still under the end of the bed, it comforts me for now.
The bathroom shines now. I’m ready for my shower. I always feel like I have to earn my self care. Old habits die hard I suppose but at least a section of carpet is clean and the bathroom is back to being passable.
I fucking miss you, Babes. With every breath. Every thought of every moment of every day. I miss you.
Bomb Shell ⋅ January 17, 2024
This is great you had the strength to do these things. Well done and keep going.
~*Luna*Love*~ ⋅ January 18, 2024
Baby steps