back to the workouts in my challenge

  • Sept. 25, 2014, 1:41 p.m.
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  • Public

so i felt good this week. my work outs kind of sucked. but that’s cause i took it slow. didn’t push myself. i didn’t want to get sick again. so here i am at the end of the week and of course now i’m congested and my sinuses are a mess. which is completely different from what i was sick with not even 2 weeks ago. this is not cool. i’m going to be very annoyed if i have to spend another weekend sick. i’m so over it. i just want to get back to normal. maybe i’ll try to steam it out. it may help. the nice thing is i’m losing tons of weight being sick. the bad part is i’m losing muscle as well. not stoked about that right now. if it continues through the weekend i’m hitting up the dr again. i really don’t want to do that.

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