1,957 days, FINALLY in Each Day

  • Jan. 16, 2024, 2:27 a.m.
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Because I’m feeling pedantic: Today, finally, after 1,957 days, I was finally promoted to Captain. It should have taken me 1,096 days. That’s 861 days late, also expressed as 2.36 years late.

I really don’t want to dwell on this, because FINALLY, but this promotion was not given the gravitas I thought I deserve. For one, usually one’s supervisor says some things about the person’s journey so far. And in the case of M’s last promotion, I got to change his epaulette. M did attend, but he was not called to the front with me. And neither any of the Captains who supervised me for the past 2+ years, nor Old Boss, said anything. In fact, Old Boss didn’t even show up (sadface). And while I’ve done pretty well not getting stuck on these facts and their corresponding feelings, I feel the threat of rejection sensitivity lurking.

It was really nice, and this is where I want to focus my memories of this day, that the photographer was a woman I kept in touch with after meeting her at a Positive Space Ambassador training class. I’d identified myself as polyamourous/pansexual and she approached me on a break to ask what my feelings/experience of this identity was. She sort of disappeared for a while (rough pregnancy + mat leave, so like, 1.5+ years), but we ran into each other when she was photographing something else, and it was clear the enthusiasm of the interaction was mutual.
Also really nice was how M boldly interjected himself into the photos with my CO and Chief, which I would not have had the guts to do without direction, and the photographer was just going with the flow, and direction wasn’t coming from the top.
Later that day the photographer called to ask the relationship between me and “the corporal”, and when I answered the phone I said, “Captain Fury” and she replied, “Niiiiiice”. Heheh.

On Friday I got moved into a new desk in a pod with my part of the section, and I’m anticipating a name tag for my desk. I had the thought, because my last name is similar to a particular Star Fleet Captain, I want to get a little command badge to go on my name plate, for funsies. But apparently I can’t find the sticker I have in my head. I will keep looking.

Old Boss still hasn’t put that feedback note in. On Friday we ran into each other in the lunch room and were chatting a bit. He sheepishly said that he hadn’t done it, to which I replied, “Feel free to forget about it altogether!” He just kind of grinned at me. Knowing him, he will continue to forget, unless he’s reminded by someone other than New Boss.

This weekend was good, but it was weird being excited for Monday. Felt kind of like a waste of a weekend. But we watched movies and played games and went for walks and got high and banged. It was still a good weekend, even if my brain wouldn’t shut up about my impending promotion. Also my body was hurting so bad from the gym on Friday.

OH! Hilarious (feel good) thing: At the gym on Friday I was doing Olympic Squats (just a bar and 2 10lb plates, so not exactly a ton of weight), and the instructor came by and complimented my squats. After the end of that round he came back to tell me that my form was “amazing”.
Then in the change room later that morning a woman who clearly works out around the same time came in as usual, and after saying some cursory things to each other, she told me my hair was “amazing”.
So I sent M a text saying both these things, and then, “So I guess your wife is amazing”. To which he said, “I knew that already” hehe. What a guy.

Tomorrow M and I have a meeting with our financial planner. We need to get our shit together. We have 2 years worth of taxes to file. I need to renew my critical illness policy. We need to discuss what to do with the extra money I’ll be bringing in (pay off the roof, TFSA, RRSP, other things?)

I need to sleep.

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