Group hug (I hit save too early! Massive edit.) in Hello.

Revised: 09/22/2014 3 a.m.

  • Sept. 22, 2014, 2:39 a.m.
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John’s dad is in hospital. They’re not 100% certain what’s wrong at the moment, only that his kidneys aren’t functioning properly. Apparently he’d stopped eating and drinking, was “spaced out” and had the shakes. John’s step mum, Maggie, decided they were cutting short their holiday in Scotland so she could bring him back and take him to the doctors. A few hours later he got the call to say they wanted to admit him. They put him on drips and, according to Maggie, they could see an improvement straight away, which makes me think it was the lack of eating and drinking that was causing his symptoms. Obviously they’re keeping him in to find out exactly what’s going on with his kidneys, but John said he’s quite lively and chatty, although yesterday he’d slept a lot. There’s not really much for him to do in hospital, so I’m not surprised! He’s usually fairly active, has all his faculties and is fairly chatty and opinionated, I think sometimes I forget that he’s 73!
Rob seems to have turned a corner! I think the combination of working and being at college are making him appreciate how hard the real world is. He’s not lazy by any stretch of the imagination (he’s always moaning about the fact that his work colleagues will regularly ask Rob to cover their shift because they’re hungover or can’t be bothered. Rob will do it for the money, but he mutters about their crap work ethic. Good lad.) but he’s still a bit clueless with every day things. It’s a combination of wanting his own space and wanting to look after me and his sisters, the latter of which just ends up him nagging because I haven’t done this, that our the other. He hasn’t done anything particularly stupid for a while, although the other day I had to stop him from buying what he thought was a kid’s drum kit costing £22 on Amazon for Eleanor, only to find it was only 7” high! It’s things like that that made me worry when he starts paying his own way. We’ve talked about it, but he has a habit of just spending his money willy nilly without reading or researching first. At least he’s not smoking or taking drugs and only goes out drinking one a week. When I was moaning about his slovenly ways to John’s brother, Howard, he told me that his girlfriend’s 19 year old son has started being aggressive, threatening them with violence and getting in his face and telling him to fuck off. Howard explained that at that age the brain “rewires” itself and sometimes that’s the way it goes, (I’m sure it’s much more complicated than that, haha!) and I should be grateful that Rob is just a bit feckless because he could be awful. Which is true. I just hope that this is the shape of things to come…
I’ve joined an AMAZING group on Facebook. Honestly, they’re the most amazing group ever. Essentially it’s a group for Foo Fighters fans, but the love and help in that group is AMAZING. Proper fans. They do things like bulk buy concert tickets and sell them back to the group at face value to stop people selling them for ridiculous money on eBay, or giving away plectrums and drum sticks because they already have them. They’re totally non-judgemental and always there for hugs and advice. The fact that they’re British based helps too. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve nothing against other countries, but I find that British people have a sense of humour that doesn’t seem to travel very well. We can be very sarcastic, which can look nasty to some people, but it’s the way we are! I love it there.
Just this morning, one of the group was moaning that some guy was perving, PMing her and asking her to send him naked photos. So then, after a bit of comfort and advice, the group started saying “well no wonder with a bod like yours!” And, you know, comments along this lines from both men and women. This guy pops up (we’ll call him Paul. Because that’s his name.) saying “no wonder guys are sending you PMs like that when you’re making public comments like this! It’s your fault he’s making those comments if you keep talking about your big tits all the time.” Oh my God, talk about a pack of wolves, lol! The stupid mysoginistic dick probably didn’t know what had hit him! I left the thread to come write this, I can’t wait to see what’s going on when I got back. Apparently we’re all a bunch of dykes because we like talking about each others’ boobs. Paul has obviously never been with a real lady before, lol!
(Oh no! The thread has gone! sad face)
Speaking of the Foo Fighters, the group has set up a Kickstarter group in a bid to get the Foos to play a smallish gig, thus avoiding the touts completely. 36 hours into a 60 day bid, we’re already a third of the way to our £150,000 target! If anyone is interested (£50 a ticket....I’ve pledged on mine!) you can pledge here.

Last updated September 22, 2014

Deleted user September 22, 2014

I'm glad to hear that he's turned over a new leaf! X

Babe In Toyland Deleted user ⋅ September 22, 2014

I hit save too early! There's more, lol!

Bomb Shell September 22, 2014

Poor Peter, I hope he gets well soon.

Good to hear Rob's maturing, sounds like he's finally coming out of his moody teenage years and settling down into adulthood :o)

Babe In Toyland Bomb Shell ⋅ September 22, 2014

There's more, I hit save too early! It would be nice if Prosebox let you privatise an entry while you edit it, like OD did!

Bomb Shell Babe In Toyland ⋅ September 22, 2014

This bloke should know that everyone loves boobs, including straight women and gay men. Boobs are great.

Do the Foos actually know that you're planning a gig for them??

Babe In Toyland Bomb Shell ⋅ September 22, 2014

Not yet, they're not going the UK till next year, dates unreleased as of yet, but speaking to the American Kickstarters, their management were ok with it, but only gave the fans a fortnight notice! We have till mid November to reach the pledge total and we know the Foos are touring here after February, so that gives us a bit of time. The group I'm a member of stalk all the Twitter feeds and everything, they know some of the crew, and regularly get to meet the band members, so I'm well in with them, lol!

~Twinkle~ September 22, 2014

Hope John's dad is ok xx

Loopy Hooky September 23, 2014

<3 glad things are improving with Rob x

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