Update on Mom in The Past

  • Sept. 19, 2014, 6:18 a.m.
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Just a really quick update before I head off to bed…

Got off the phone earlier with my mom’s nurse. I wasn’t able to spend the day with her because I was sick and because the stupid alternator died on the fucking car. >.< Luckily Thomas loves us and was able to do 550 or so dollars worth of work for 450. Still, that was 450 we didn’t really have… Anyways, on to Mom…

Mom was allowed to wake up for a little while today and breathe on her own. She’s not quite breathing as well as they’d want her to, so they sedated her again and will wake her up again tomorrow. I’m going to be there tomorrow morning to talk to her doctor an whatnot, and then head to work for the first time in a couple days.

I slept for almost three days straight. >.< This is so damned hard on us all.

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. It means a lot.

Last updated December 25, 2016

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