What they say in 2023

  • Jan. 11, 2024, 12:19 a.m.
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If I hear “he’s alive in your heart” or “he’ll always be with you in your memories” one more time .. or what about, “you’ll learn to live without him” … or .. or maybe, “he wouldn’t want you to hurt like this” …

I know.

I’ve heard it all before. A thousand times. And a thousand more I will hear it again.

But he’s not alive in my heart or with me in my memories he’s ashes in a fucking urn.

I won’t learn to live without him … there is no life without him. He isn’t the only one who died … we died.

Every hope. Every dream. Every single day we were supposed to have is gone.

I know he wouldn’t want me to hurt like this, I fucking know that. But he doesn’t get a say anymore, does he? Because he’s fucking ashes in a goddamn urn and I’m here alone, scared, and so very tired of this.

TrippyNina January 11, 2024

Grief ebbs and flows forever. This is something that has changed your whole footprint in life. Unless they've experienced a loss like this, one will never understand. My sister lost her husband in September '22 and even though he was sick, you can't ever prepare for the time when they are taken. She, too, is struggling with this new normal and people think "it's been over a year, why is she still so upset?" I wanna punch those people in the face.

Jigger January 12, 2024

People mean well, I know they do, but when they say these things it proves they don’t understand, and it probably feels even more isolating. I wish I had something more positive than that. But you don’t need forced positivity, I know.

~*Phoenix*~ Jigger ⋅ January 12, 2024

I know they mean well, I do. I'm not even upset at anyone who says it to me .. I'm upset because there's literally nothing anyone can ever say, not even me, that will ever make any of this better and that's horrifying. Absolutely horrifying. Clearly I'm still in denial. But at least I know it 🙁

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