Work related stuff: edit in Hello.

Revised: 09/15/2014 10:45 a.m.

  • Sept. 15, 2014, 9:17 a.m.
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I’m continuing to do as much voluntary outside work as possible. Last week I went on a practical session, which will hopefully lead to more of the same kind of work. As a thank you, in return they offer us a place on a college course to do an NVQ in.....something outdoorsy. Problem is, they have opened up 30 voluntary places but only 12 college places. I really want to do it, so fingers crossed! It’s only 15 days (I think), so not a massive course.
Last week we got shown how to build a fence. There were 3 other volunteers there, a member of staff and a student who had to lead so many hours of volunteer hours for his portfolio, so it was win win for us all! By the end of the day, I was aching in places I didn’t even know I had places, after wielding a giant metal hammer for knocking in posts, hauling heavy duty tools around and hammering in loads and loads of fence pins. A couple of years ago I bruised a bone in my right wrist after falling awkwardly on it and normally it’s OK, just gets a bit achey if it gets too hot or too cold. But the jarring effect made my wrist really painful, so next time I’ll have to strap it. It was embarrassing, the others were hammering in 3 pins for every one I was doing, and our instructor kept ribbing me about my crapness! Thankfully, I can hammer with both hands, otherwise I don’t know what I would have done!
Dad and I are shadow leading another guided walk on Wednesday, an easy one, from Keswick, up Latrigg and back to Keswick. I don’t think I’ve ever actually been up Latrigg, as it’s so easy (a wheelchair accessible mountain!). Whenever dad and I go walking, he always prefers a challenging walk up a proper mountain!
I’ve been mulling over my work situation this weekend. Right now, I want to be earning money, but ideally need a 9-5 job in this town, so I can work it around John’s hours and the kids aren’t left on their own. I found out about a 9-5 job, Monday to Friday, working for the company I occasionally make the tapestry kits for. Mam was taking her kits back on Friday, so she said she’d ask about it for me. It turns out it’s highly skilled, cutting material and other fiddly things, so there’s a long training/probation period of 6 months. At first I was dead keen on the idea (loads of money!) but right now, my outdoor training is very important to me and it would be difficult to work that around full time hours, plus it wouldn’t be fair on them if I get a better job offer in 7 months time. So I’ve decided to give it a miss. I’m keeping my eyes peeled for this job in the charity shop coming up. I really need some extra income to save up for driving lessons and to buy a drum carder so I can look into doing more with my spinning wheel.
Speaking of woolly things, I’ve got so many ideas for things I want to make! I keep getting ideas for things I want to try. This will be another benefit to being a driver, as I’d love to be able to do craft fairs regularly!

Well now, this certainly looks interesting!

Last updated September 15, 2014

Bomb Shell September 15, 2014

Ooh that NQV will be brilliant to have on your CV :o)

Yeah I think you'd be better off working part time at the moment, otherwise you won't have any time for your volunteer outdoorsy stuff. Could you carry on doing the threads?

Babe In Toyland Bomb Shell ⋅ September 15, 2014

They don't need me to do the threads right now (haven't done any for a while!) but their Christmas orders are starting to come in now, so hopefully they can send a bit of work my way.

wintergrey September 15, 2014

Be careful with craft fairs, lol! After visiting one at the end of August I went out and bought a weaving loom! I now have the pleasure of figuring out how it all works and what yarn to use and what not to use... It's good fun!

Babe In Toyland wintergrey ⋅ September 15, 2014

Oh, I've done craft fairs before, but only with someone else!

~Twinkle~ September 15, 2014

Hope you get onto the course! Xx

Lucretia September 21, 2014

Usually when the training period for a job is that long you're contracted to not quit within a certain time frame so I think giving it a miss is probably a sound plan. It's a shame because it sounds brilliant but looking to the long term I think it's the right decision.

Fingers crossed you get the course place x

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