Just a stupid rant...edit in Hello.

  • Sept. 11, 2014, 8:28 a.m.
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Argh! That son of mine! I could throttle him!
He lets his room get to disgusting levels. Yesterday his floor was covered in dirty clothes, dirty cups and dishes, empty food cans, all topped with the contents of a feather pillow. So he literally had to climb over this shit to get in and out, walking feathers around the house. It doesn’t matter how many times I tell him not to take crockery into his room, or ask him to bring down a few bits of washing so I can filter it through with everyone elses, he just plain ignores me.
Today I had a few chores to catch up on, meaning the house would be done. (I neglected my chores yesterday, being distracted by knitting a tiny dog coat!) but at 4.30 am, Rob decided to turn his tv on and start to clean, keeping me awake in the process. I get up at 7, the house is covered in feathers, the bath is FULL of dirty, wet, feathery clothes, the recycling is all over the kitchen and the sides are covered in mouldy crockery!
I’ve told him the kitchen is now his priority, so he’s on with that. Good job none of us needed a shower this morning, but I don’t know how I’m going to get through his piles of dirtyy laundry!
I know, I know, first world problems and all! But every time Rob decides to tidy his room, it’s always at the detriment of everyone else! And no matter how often I ask him not to take food to his room, it doesn’t work and the upstairs starts to smell as a consequence.
I’ll give him this much: he’s arranged a meeting with the manager of a pub in town, to ask about a kitchen porter role. It will be much handier for him!
Rant over. Carry on.

I’m so stupid! I’ve only just figured out what Rob has done: he’s spread his mess out all over the house then gone back to bed, so I have no choice but to tidy it! I had to get out of the house, it was driving me mad, so a three hour visit to my mam and then my nana and granda’s house later, the washing machine is full of his clothes, as is the wash basket and the bath. The landing and stairs are still covered in feathers, the kitchen floor is still covered in his recycling. So I’ve filed up our two rubber buckets with his wet clothes out of the bath, bagged up ALL the recycling (it doesn’t get picked up down our road, so there’s about a week’s worth, along with his own) and dumped it all back in his room. In a minute I’m going to vacuum the landing outside his bedroom door and take a Very Long Time over it. If he thinks I’m finishing the jobs he’s started, he’s got another think coming.
He’s going to have a short, sharp shock when he starts uni.

Last updated September 11, 2014

Admiral Squirrel September 11, 2014

Boy, does that sound annoying. I may not be in an as bad position as you are but I think I know how that feels like. At least I chase out everyone and anyone who brings food into my room. :P

Seacláid September 11, 2014

This makes my room look super tidy in comparison. At least I know the clothes on the floor are clean and have a washing basket for dirty clothes (which after being in Australia have been meticulous in continuing to do my own laundry). Why is there feathers all over his room? Is he having girly pillow fights? We always got told that food in the bedrooms attracted ants and mice - nobody wants that.

Etoile Filante September 11, 2014

I've never been messy so I really can't identify with this teenage thing but GOOD FOR YOU not letting him get away with it! xXx

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