2. Slipped a Little Too Deep! in The Teenage Life of a Kid

Revised: 09/10/2014 11:05 a.m.

  • Sept. 9, 2014, noon
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10th September 2014, 10.47 PM.

Yeah, yeah, two entries in a row. What of it?

You see, this is why introductory entries are sort of a challenge to me. There will always be something that I’ll forget to put down while introducing myself. Although, it was kind of done intentionally this time ‘cause I remembered what I’d supposedly forgotten before posting my entry but shrugged it off and decided to write it in another entry.

You see that book title up there? Yeah, the one above this entry. It must seem pretty confusing. Like seriously, “The Teenage Life of a Kid”? Isn’t that a little…I don’t know, topsy-turvy? Well, even if it isn’t confusing for you, I’m just going to jump into a little explanation because it’s my book and you can’t tell me what to do. ^o^

I may have turned into a teenager this year but my mind’s still as childish as I was before and despite my birthday being long gone, the year’s still here, hence the short one-liner description of this book. I may have matured physically but mentally, I really haven’t grown up one bit (unless knowing some, uh, M18 stuff is considered maturity…even so, it’s only a little). I still act pretty childish and to be frank, I don’t even want to grow up. Yes, yes, I know I will have to someday but that day ain’t gonna be today, tomorrow, or the days following that (hopefully) because I just will not and cannot handle the responsibilities that a real teenager has to carry out yet. No, I can handle my studies just fine, thank you very much. I meant…other, uh, teenager…adult…stuff…like, I don’t know, being grown up! ^w^”

I’m afraid of the real world we live in. I’m afraid of taking a step out into the reality of life. I’m a scaredy-cat and I know that.

Okay, cut, cut, cut! This is getting too deep for me and it’s only my second entry! I’m outta here! ‘Sides, I still need to explore the site! See ya!

Thanks for reading! ^w^

Last updated September 11, 2014

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