dilemma in rants

  • Sept. 7, 2014, 5:58 a.m.
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There’s a man I met on Facebook.... Actually we were both arguing with the same annoying person, so “friended” each other. I’ve “known” him for about a year.I

I agree with EVERYTHING he posts - our “politics” are the same.

I looked up his picture. Although he’s a bit younger than me - about 7-10 years - I find him appealing enough.

The dilemma is I like thinking about becoming friends… rather than actually meeting and finding out I really do not like him in person. I like retaining the hope than facing possible disappointment.

Pitiful for sure.

MemoryFails September 07, 2014

That's understandable. Me and my wife met online. On AOL actually. It was 14 years ago tho, so very different back then. When meeting someone online was not the norm and was considered kinda weird and "taboo" if you will. LOL. But we felt that we had no choice, it was a feeling so very strong that we couldn't ignore it. We only talked online and by phone from Feb. to May until we met in person. She lived over 1000 miles away too! So, if it is something that is meant to be, I am of the belief that you will know it, and feel it. And if you don't, then don't. ;)

Darcy0207 from OD MemoryFails ⋅ September 07, 2014

I prefer someone who lives near enough to get together on the spur of the moment, wow! You proved that wrong.

ermentrude September 07, 2014

Rich and I met on OD, we were the first OD couple! Not meeting wasn't an option and we've been happy ever since. Of course we aren't exactly the same as one another, but we just accept the extras!

Darcy0207 from OD ermentrude ⋅ September 07, 2014

interesting! I have a good friend (female) whom I've met originally on-line. Maybe I'll give it a shot.

RosesAreRed September 08, 2014

And, you might find him wonderful in person.. 😊

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