Judgemental Judgies in A Life Uncommon
- Sept. 4, 2014, 6:49 a.m.
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Would you prefer I was doped out on pills? Because I actually ENJOY being in control of myself and being able to parent. So… Go be judgemental elsewhere, broskies.
Tom’s transition into working “with Jack” took a startling and rapid turn into “taking over Jack’s Delaware position primarily” while Jack moved toward either “chronic PTO” or “gone for days”. Which kind of sucks and I am told is a temporary thing but I am rolling with it.
It’s made for interesting times. We do better with breaks from each other, as sad as that sounds. It’s like we have to recharge, and when we spent days and days together we start to push each other (I honestly think we’re just bored!).
So to halt any bullshit we have been interrupting bad moods or rants with poor jokes and sexual advances. Yes, yes it is working. Thank you.
Gavin turned two on the 31st!! I can’t believe it’s been two years since I had him, two years have passed since I birthed a hunk of baby upside down. We had a BBQ on the 30th to combine mine, Julie (Tom’s wife), and Gavin into one big bash. It was fun and the food was fabulous and there were no issues at all. So that’s awesome.
Gavin is a spitfire boy who approaches life hesitantly at first. It’s like he has to inspect and absorb everything before he can participate. He has to be VERY sure of the activity, word, or food. Loud noises and strangers put him off and he still hides away until he’s okay with situations. And in case you were wondering (I know you weren’t), the tantrums are still VERY real.
Nicholaus is doing MODERATELY okay with school. I make a big deal of praising the small things (doing a worksheet without a fit, bringing home all work, filling out his agenda each day). We are hopefully starting a medication soon to help with the ADHD, and I am waiting on THAT so I can petition for more help at the school. Because 4 hours of homework isn’t okay.
He’s also growing up on me :( His voice wobbles now, it won’t be long til it changes over.
We’re working on things like personal privacy and responsibility. I was going to have the body chemistry/deodorant/”THAT” talk with him but AAAACTUALLY no, I’ll leave that to Jack because I am sorry but I can’t process my angelbutt baby being old enough to touch his penis. There, I said it.
He’s blossoming with friendships but I see him struggling some with a few - he sometimes has trouble with appropriate social discussions or um…situations? He also tries to dominate everyone (i.e. “Lets do this thing I want to do or I will cry”) but that seems to be fading away.
Joshua is still fearless and loud. It is so funny to see his personality shimmer! He is not at all like Nich or Gavin - he prefers the spotlight and new situations. If you have his attention, he’ll do anything to keep it! He likes to stand and talk (usually nonsense stories that are told too fast for you to understand anyway).
He also still very much enjoys being naked and peeing outside. I give up. Send help, I’ve raised a feral boy.
In housey news, I got a “raise” of more shops to schedule for Reflections, and I also started selling Scentsy (and am not doing so bad at it, actually!).
I am working on decluttering and cleaning daily. I even set myself alarms!
The garden ended up being nothing this year thanks to poor planning. We did have a handful of tomato plants volunteer to grow for us, so that has been a nice surprise. Three varieties, all tangled up together in a giant tomato bush. Turns out, chicken manure is FUCKING AWESOME for fertilizer, FYI.
AAAAANYway, I think that’s all I’ve got here. xoxo
Sagittarienne ⋅ September 05, 2014
i like reading this updatey stuff. its especially interesting to hear about the personalities of the boys!!
love u!