New Game, "Raft" in 2023

  • Dec. 20, 2023, 3:35 p.m.
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I’ve been playing a game called Raft lately. It’s irritating, and addicting. You are stuck in a world that flooded, and must build yourself a raft by picking debris out of the water. There are small islands and story islands too. I’m not sure if the debris is from the world flooding, or just there. I had to turn on the motion sickness mode though, because the way the waves made my little raft was really making me sea sick.

But now, it’s back to laundry, and cooking and cleaning. Today I’m making homemade ice cream, Vanilla and Cinnamon, and probably another batch of caramel corn, a loaf of home made bread, and if my energy holds, cookies. But I doubt the cookies will happen. I didn’t sleep all that great, and I will run out of steam for all this stuff.

I also have to go to the post office to pick up a package, because for some reason they won’t leave it on my porch. I’m sure their reason is valid, and most days I’m okay with this sort of thing. They have a job, they have rules, and I don’t like to get mad at people for things they can’t control, but this time my patience is being tested.

I hope everyone has a good day.

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