Last entry was a downer, in 2023

  • Dec. 17, 2023, 8:04 a.m.
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  • Public

I try not to let things get me down so low, but sometimes it’s just too much.

I crochet. Lately I’ve been using blanket yarn and crocheting giant things with it. I’ve made dragons, krakens, octopuses (Is it octopi?) I’ve made baby blankets for several people. I’ve one more to make, for a friend of my daughters, who is like a daughter to me.

I have my switch and a few video games that take my mind off everything. I like skyrim, Final fantasy, Dragon Quest Builders 2, Stardew valley.

Some of the problem is that I am alone a lot, some is that the last 20 years I’ve been nothing but a mother and housewife. A good sized portion is that I have trouble sleeping. My father passed away in 2019, and I’ve never really able to sleep well since then. Everyone acts like I should be over his death by now. Everyone else seems to have moved on like he was just never here.

Thanks to the comments I received on the last entry, I’m going to see if the public library is either hiring part time, or looking for volunteers, I’m going to also see if the local animal shelters are looking for volunteers. I’m also going to look into seeing if any hospitals, or VA’s, or homeless shelters would be interested in donations of crocheted hats and gloves. And I’ve found a crochet group that meets at the library I may look into.

I’m going to try and be positive today. I have caramel corn to make, gingerbread cookies to make, and a grocery list.

I hope everyone has a wonderful day.

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