Saturday night. in Since OD is shutting down....

  • Dec. 10, 2023, 9:35 a.m.
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My daughter got herself down for a nap about noon and then slept til 3pm. I made dinner and she’s watching a movie on Netflix. It ended up being decent outside today but we might wake up to snow in the morning. We’re going to that toy drive in the morning so hopefully the roads won’t be bad and I also want to get some stuff from the store.

I’m nervous about my new job. I hope that everyone likes me and I like them. I am excited too because I’m ready to get back to life. I have been down for so long and I’m ready to be on a different path. I am beyond ready to learn something new and be making my own money. It’s also pretty awesome that my daughter will be there and I won’t have to worry about childcare. Things are going to be okay.

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