The Colder It Gets in Me Being Me

Revised: 10/29/2023 11:44 a.m.

  • Oct. 29, 2023, 7 a.m.
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  • Public

Outside the colder it feels inside. I just don’t understand how anyone who rents can be so horrible and not care about their renters when they live in their downstairs and there is only one furnace. You wuld think that when renters wake up they would feel comfortable so they can start their day. Everyday I wake up before the heat kicks in I have zero energy to start doing anything because I am trying to use what I have to be warm and confortable. Like right now outside it’s 32 and inside it’s 65.1 with no heat comming oput of the heat vents and I have to waste electricity trying to get warm so i can move a bit. But the coldest room I have here is the bathroom and then the bedroom and then the kitchen and the dining room. So it is cold and I just want to wake up and feel like I can start to move. And waking up with a headache doesn’t help either. The thing is the only part of me that reall gets too hot is my butt and sometimes I get a heat rash. So I have to keep getting up so I can cool down from the heat. But the funny thing is since the tempature has been around 30 my body tempature hasn’t been over reacting so this cold is not good for me. I know I could wear more clothes but then I get too hot and it’s a waste of clothes. And I don’t like wearing a lot of clothes Because then I get too hot and too uncomfortable. The best thing for me is loose fitting clothes so I can move better and I don’t get too hot or too cold. But with the room tampature being too cold I just find that I start not to feel good. I get headache when I wake up and I feel cold for the time till I can feel the heat. And some days I don’t feel the heat at all. But then I can feel that the heat is trying but tere is something blocking the heat vent and I also think the air vents are plugged. I do know if this furnace was serviced that no mater what the room tempture was I would feel the heat and be comfortable and I would not complain. The only day the heat comes on at a decent tempature is saturday Morning at about 5:00 am and that is only because hubby has to get up and get resdy for work to leave by 6:30 am so that day I feel pretty good and can start to do what I need to do.
I just turned on my stove elements because I feel too cold so hopefully I will feel a bit warmer in a few minutes. I know it’s a waste of electricity but I don’t know what else to do. I hope when hubby asks the slum lord to turn the heat up when the outside tempature is around 30 then at least it will feel like I am comfortbale.
I feel like I am being abused and not lsitened to because it’s all about the all mighty dollar. I think that people should live life like it’s their last day before they die then they will die happy. I know at this rate I will be dieing a slow miserable death and it won’t be my fault.
This is the first place that I have lived where I didn’t have any control of anything and everything I have wanted to do I get threaten with eveiction. I do know that I am in th right otherwise she would get things done and I would be happy living here. I have always been happy where I have lived and all the landlords I have had to deal with actually did fix things for me no matter how often they had to be fixed. And I have never been threatened with eviction and I have never had to ask anyone what my rights are. Everywhere there was a leak I have not used that space because I am not sure how well it’s been fixed because she is no pro so I am not sure if and when it will have an issue. I just don’t trust her when it comes to fixing things. And for the most part I am just wating for things to finally break for good so it’s not fixable and a pro will have to be brought in.
The other thing I don’t get is why my rent hasn’t increased in 9 or 10 years? Oh wait it went up $50.00 becasue she had a major heart attack when she saw how much she is getting charged for the carbon tax. Well that would go down if she had more energy efficiant appliences and better electricity. I think she has really bad electricity because she doesn’t maintain anything and verything has to work that much harder. I just want to live here and do what makes me happy. And not feel sick all the time.

Onto something else....

So today is Sunday and no I am not going to church. or any other place to worship. But I will be here being me and doing what needs to get done.
I have what to do it’s just a matter of getting it done. And I will and it will all be done before dinner. Not sure what dinner will be but it will hopefulkly be one of this one pot meals where there isn’t much of a mess.

Well, I need to stop and take a pill for this headache....
Do have a great day…
Be Kind, Be Calm, Be Safe, and Behave.

Last updated October 29, 2023

theKat October 29, 2023

we still have windows open but come Halloween it looks like it will be too cold for open windows

Jodie theKat ⋅ October 29, 2023

Yeah but you have total control of the heat as to where I have to ask to have the heat on and I can't ask at 3 am when it's really cold.

Rabbit Girl ウサギの女の子 October 31, 2023

Weighted blankets Jo! :) Try that. I know just how you feel with the cold as my room is a former sunroom and thus not insulated? Also, it gets murderously hot in the summer btw.

Jodie Rabbit Girl ウサギの女の子 ⋅ October 31, 2023

The thing with me any thing that has heat or is even weighted blanket I will sweat. I already wake up sweating for no reason so that is not an option and besides I can't afford the cost of most things and I have to get crapy quality so that doesn't help me either.

Rabbit Girl ウサギの女の子 Jodie ⋅ October 31, 2023

Aw... damn landlady! WTF is with her???

Jodie Rabbit Girl ウサギの女の子 ⋅ October 31, 2023

I know...she is just cheap and all I am doing is hoping she gets her just deserts and whatever karma will bite her on the boods and on other places....

Rabbit Girl ウサギの女の子 Jodie ⋅ October 31, 2023

curses Jo's landlady

Jodie Rabbit Girl ウサギの女の子 ⋅ October 31, 2023

I am waiting for the gas furnace to explode..that should eb fun....

Rabbit Girl ウサギの女の子 Jodie ⋅ October 31, 2023


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