gripes in Hello.

  • Aug. 26, 2014, 5:23 p.m.
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For the love of God, will folk from the USA stop saying a British accent? It bugs me no end! It’s like saying a North American accent when you mean Canadian! You probably mean English, but Britain also includes Scotland and Wales, who have completely different accents. English: Benedict Cumberbatch in Sherlock, Hugh Grant always. Welsh: Rhys Ifans in Notting Hill, Tom Jones. Scottish: anybody in Trainspotting, Sean Connery in Red October.
No arguments will be entered into. :p
While I’m grumbling, I’m ill again. I’ve had a wonderful weekend with the sister, a brilliant guided walk with some fab kids, I come home, expecting a lovely night with John and my body decides it’s going to hurt. Achey joints, temperature and that lovely “I can’t decide if I feel sick or not” experience.

Last updated August 26, 2014

Seacláid August 26, 2014

When they say british, they mean the southern counties like you're a stones throw away from London (the only place a lot of foreign travellers visit).

Babe In Toyland Seacláid ⋅ August 26, 2014

I wonder what they'd make of my accent then! My friend,a karate instructor with the same accent as me, has been described as having a Scots accent. I could understand if they were from another country, but this guy was from Liverpool!

celador August 26, 2014

Yes! So annoying! X

~Twinkle~ August 27, 2014

Feel better! Xx

Miso Honey August 27, 2014

Oh, you Brits!

You are lucky your accent is adorable.

Babe In Toyland Miso Honey ⋅ August 28, 2014


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