Cold hard facts about cirrhosis... in Hi This is Kat!

  • Oct. 11, 2023, 6:28 p.m.
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it kills!

It kinda hit me hard when our doctor told me his guess would be she had 3 to 6 months… most doctors sugar coat it him or let’s hope that is not sugar coated
He said anything could make her bleed and she could die… and she will probably go to the hospital 3 or 4 more times or he said the best way for her to go is for her to fall asleep when her hemoglobin goes low

my heart still feels like it is off beat and so heavy

Jo is at the point now where the quality of her life is poor. She in some pain, uncomfortable swollen belly, upset belly, some throwing up, heart burn, times throwing up blood or passing blood and sleeps 3/4 of the day away.

Maybe this post will save a life! quit drinking if you have liver issues! Jo did not and today as she left my home I see her open a little whiskey bottle

Sleepy-Eyed John October 12, 2023


Jodie October 12, 2023

I am so so sorry...You are a really good friend.

Frozenbutterfly October 12, 2023

I got this message when my dad died 20 years ago at the age of 50 of liver cirrhosis. It's awful to see a person in that kind of pain.

theKat Frozenbutterfly ⋅ October 12, 2023

how did you know it was the end. he he act or look any different? I guess I am trying to prove the doctor wrong?

Frozenbutterfly theKat ⋅ October 12, 2023

Huge belly, extremely yellow skin, no appetite, had "wet brain" and really just couldn't remember things correctly, sleeping all of the time. He wanted to speed it up at the end and get it over with, so he apparently poured salt packets into his food/drink to make that happen. I miss him terribly, but I'm so glad he's no longer in pain.

theKat Frozenbutterfly ⋅ October 12, 2023

so sorry for your loss. She hides her pain a lot. she is not real yellow but has everything else but a wet brain but I do see signs of that

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