Soo.... in The Past

  • Aug. 25, 2014, 11:57 p.m.
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I had an entry started on the other computer and forgot all about it when I exited the browser. I need to start using the Draft function.

Not that the other entry had anything of any value to it. Just me griping.

Well, on the plus side, the PAX tickets I shipped to Canada FINALLY reached their destination… it took 15 days. I thought it would ship there earlier. I didn’t realize that to get to British Columbia, it had to go aaaaaalll the way to New York. I mean, fuck. If I would have known that, I would have driven up to the boarder, kick Guppy across it so he could put it in a god damned mail box so it could get to where it was going. But noooo, I just had to do it the easy way. X.X

In the griping area… My birthday’s a week from tomorrow. Travis is taking me out to a Sounders game. It started out being a whole wine and dine kind of thing… a train ride, a game, dinner, and then a train ride home. And now… well, his ex wanted money and because he’s a smuck (part of the reason why I’ll never date him, even though Maili wants me to) he gave her all his money. So now it’s the public bus to the game, and then back home. If I’m lucky we’ll go to Jack in the Box while Maili’s working and get free food. -sigh- I’m not so egotistical that I need big things done for me or for friends to spend a lot of money… but I want something special. Or at least, I want what I’ve been told I’d be getting. -sighs again- I’m just tired of getting my hopes up for something special, only to get ground into dust every time. See kids, this is why I don’t make any plans and why I don’t depend on anyone else when it comes to my plans.


I’m still glaring at the teddy bear shirt. I don’t need to worry about exactly how I want to do it till I at least get the stomach and back part of the shirt done… I keep looking at it and keep thinking I need more and more rings to make it big enough. It’s a pain, but I did get a bit done today. That’s good.

On to Minecraft!

Last updated December 24, 2016

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