That And This... in Me Being Me

Revised: 10/03/2023 10:20 a.m.

  • Oct. 3, 2023, 3 a.m.
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I found out that the slumlord is going to be going on a trip. But not for long. But still she will be gone and I won’t have to hear her walk like an elephant across the floor upstairs and wonder if she will fall threw the floor. And after she comes back she is going to get her cataroacts removed so she will be recouperating for a long while. Which means nothing will get fixed. Because evidently you can’t lift much weight. I think 10 pounds is the max.
The thing I don’t like about her is that when ever there is important information comming from her I am never told by her. I have to have it passed down and sometimes that can be not good because the information being passed down doesn’t cover all the information I need to know. Like how long will she be gone? What is a short trip? A Week? A Month? And is there anything else I am suppose to do like hold on to her mail? Make sure the Garbage is emptied? Make sure the packages are safe and no one can steal them? So I have decided unless she tells me other wise I am not going to do any of this and if the rats and mice come then too bad. The old me would have done all of this without being told but then I decided why should I do things if she won’t treat me right?
Oh I found out something only because hubby told me but I am still not sure..she said she isn’t going to evict me so I am thinking why does she threaten me with it? And it’s no wonder I am always so stressed because I don’t know if she will or not. I am still not sure so there is no way I can not think that. I wish she would have told me then I can ask these questions and know for sure.
I just want the kind of landlord tenant relationship where I am actually told things to my face and then I know first hand and I can react accordingly. But this way I am getting things second hand and it’s like playing that game “telephone” and there is always something missing in the information. I don’t like that.
Question? Is it possible to have a better relationship and to be civil to each other just for important information? it’s not like I care what she is going to buy or where whe is going to go, I just want to be in the loop so I know for myself. And just becasue I have issues doesn’t mean that she has to go backwards and keep reminding me of that time because I like to think I have moved forward and have gone past that time. Are all relationships stalled because of bad behaviours or actions? Why can’t people get past those and change? I would love to have a conversation about different things that I think are important so I can get the right answers and react accordingly. But I can’t and I am always left with questions that no one else can answer because they just don’t know. Well maybe one year I will get what I need to know.

Onto something else…

So what are we having for the Canadian Thanks giving? Turkey or Ham? I think this year we will be having ham and boxed scalloped potatoes and some sort of fresh vegetable.

I have a question for you? Have you ever used Tee Tree oild for medical reasons? And did it work? And how many times a day did or do you use it? I am going to be asking my doctor when I have the phone appointment on Friday and There is another one called Jublia but I don’t know a lot about that.
And have you ever heard of this?

My mom sent this to me and when I looked at it they said get it for free to try. Then you scroll down some more then it says before they can send you the free one you have to buy one of these. I call that negitive advertising and negitive billing. So I am not going to get this and also this is a scam and a fake and they probally don’t work.
But this is why it doesn’t work…

So just because you read something on line doesn’t mean that it works. It’s always best to ask a professional just incase there are side effects that you might not tollerate well. And when anyone sends me a link especially if it has to do with weight loss I am very weary of it and I look for what others have said and I have a group I elong to that tells me if it’s a scam or not.
I wonder how much money is really spent on these scams? And don’t people learn from their past mistakes?

Anyways onto something else…

I need to stop here..
Do have a great day…
Be Kind, Be Calm, Be Safe and Behave.

Last updated October 03, 2023

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