Wherein I've refurbished the old kitchen clock. in The Big, Blue, House. Year two.
- Sept. 22, 2023, 11:08 a.m.
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It came with the house. When it was plugged in, it ran very slowly. So I took it apart, took out the motor, and replaced it with a cheap, battery operated clock piece from a Chinese seller on Amazon.
I had to put several layers of sticky velcro around the interior to hold the new motor in place, because it’s much smaller than the original. The new hands were much too long, so I trimmed them to fit, with sewing shears.
The second hand is the original. I took just the center piece from the new second hand, and superglued the old one to it.
I tried to put the original hands on the new motor, but the round openings where they mount are too small. So I took two new hands, (the new motor came with several), and clipped and filed them with wire cutters and a nail file, then glued the original hands to just the central piece with the opening on two new ones, so they have the larger mounting holes glued under their smaller ones. - No dice, the mount has to pass all the way through to hold them. So I trimmed down a set of new ones instead.
I’m still keeping the original hands. I might try filing the openings larger.
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