I hate the struggle in Just Life
- Sept. 6, 2023, 4:37 a.m.
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Women get tired of asking for help and being ignored so women have simply skipped out the middle man and did it herself. Men complain women won’t sit down and behave like the 1950s housewife!.. modern society has taught us to have it all we have to fight for it. No partner will no longer hand us our wants and needs.. do it yourself..bills become more and pay doesn’t grow with the bills.. nobody can thrive because the world is made to make you work in order to starve..hungry people go to work. God I hate the struggle. I won’t diss all men but i wish my husband would meet me half way.
Elysian ⋅ September 06, 2023
"I won’t diss all men but i wish my husband would meet me half way."
Sigh. I feel you.