It Rained Last Night in Me Being Me

Revised: 08/29/2023 2:45 p.m.

  • Aug. 29, 2023, 8 a.m.
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The tempature now is a perfect 60 degrees outside. And hopefully it will rain some more today and then fall will be here early. One can only hope.
I am so looking forward to the cooler tempatures and then the heat gets to be turned on. And if the slumlord is going to be cheap again this year I do have a back up plan I call plan B and she can’t do anything about it.
I did figure out something though and that is when the heat is on the dust that comes out of the vents comes out in big chunks and it’s black for themost part. So I now know for a fact that the furnace does need to be cleaned out. And it seems like the more I sweep the more dust accumilates and the dust is not good for my allergies. But then she doesn’t care. I find when there is a lot of dust and I have no control ovver it I seems to sneeze a lot and get the sniffles.
I am thinking that the reason I have so many headaches and they last for hours and they also move from one side of my head to the other and then disappear is because of my enviorment and the smell of must which is mold.
I think hubby and hios brother are going to try to use diluted bleach for the moldy wall in the laundry room but I don’t think they can use it in the bathroom because the mold is behind the pipes in the vanity. I think the wall has to be taken out and the mold cleaned up and then new dry wall has to be put on. I don’t think the bleach will work on the wall because it’s just too black and the instalation is also back so that needs to be repalced. But whatever.

Onto something else…

I am not sure about this IBS because I haven’t been eating much because I am afriad I will be running to the bathroom and making my famous mud pies and the gas in my stomach takes forever to go away. But I am learning what to eat and not eat and I know what triggers my stomach so I am off to a good start. I am still afraid to be going out in the real world because of the accidents that can happen so when I do go out I make sure there is a bathroom close by and I am never out for very long. But some days are better then others, just like with anything else. it weird that there are somethings that are not recomended to eat with IBS and some of those things don’t affect me and some things do affrect me. Like honey. And I am staying away from spicy foods that require hot sauce. I am not sure about chilli powder but one of these days I want to see if I can eat my famous chilli.

Onto something else…

Today I get to go for a blood test and then I get to come home. I just hope it doesn’t rain much.
And dinner tonight is going to be pork side ribs done in the airfryer and a fresh vegetable and some sort of noodles. I hope I feel like eating because last night I just ate a cob of corn.

Well, it’s that time where I stop here…
Do have a great day…
Be Kind, Be Calm, Be Safe, Behave.

Last updated August 29, 2023

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