Update on the ongoing Niece drama, with screenshots. in The Big, Blue, House. Year two.
- Aug. 29, 2023, 3:48 a.m.
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I asked Half Sister for perspective, and got it. No, she won’t be coming here. It pains me greatly. I’d dearly love to have the girl I remember here, and I cling to some fragment of hope, but it doesn’t sound very likely.
The conversation:
I still have to message the Niece, and I absolutely dread it.
We’ve been homeless, with relatives who wouldn’t help us. I don’t want to be that person. But Don’s right, we’ve never been addicts, or suffered from serious untreated mental health issues.
The whole situation just breaks me in several different directions.
I genuinely appreciate all of the comments on the last post. You people are awesome.
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