full mind in Hi This is Kat!

  • Aug. 22, 2023, 6:21 p.m.
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with all the news I feel my mind is getting too full! I am serious fire in Hawaii, fires in Canada, floods in California and then, of course, there is trump! What a mafia boss he is… how in the world des his cult not see that. It is because his mind is like theirs… they are racist, they are bullies, they are cheaters, they are anti laws and rules, they believe woman are just a piece of meat.... they admire him because he gets by fuc#ing people over. The trumptards I know are just like that… always ready to start an argument over what they perceive as being their right…even tho your rights end where another person rights begin.

I better stop there....

But you can bet that person riding your ass on the highway is a trumper the person arguing with the cashier is probably a card. I had a Facebook friend, I guy I have known since I was 4 continuously insult me on Facebook telling me I was stupid, telling me how wrong I was… he would post things and then tag me.... what a violent person he has turned into. He told be to be prepared for when Biden would come and take my cushy life away from me???? I finally just unfriended him.... way too much drama and anger. I could picture him going to democrats homes and killing them… he just got too scary

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