2 years ago ministroke anniversary, fibromyalgia flare up in Just Life

  • Aug. 22, 2023, 4:41 a.m.
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  • Public

On August 21 2021 I had a ministroke. I worked at Joann Crafts but my boss pointed out something was wrong. I fell backwards off a ladder I was having numbness on my left side. I slurred when I talk. People asked me what’s wrong with me. I told them I don’t know. I went to my second job at the Little General I couldn’t understand things I was confused and I kept dropping things. I had an anxiety attack. My head hurt my vision blurred I drove myself to the hospital.

That morning I sprang up out of bed trying not to pee myself. I got dizzy fell and banged my head on the dresser. My vision blurred I was confused and numb. I couldn’t think clearly. I screamed to my husband to help me. I ran to the bathroom grabbed a trash can and vomited. My husband wanted me to call into work I was hyperventilating and crying. My husband help me admitting he was worried for me. I still got up went to work because I didn’t understand that my brain was bleeding. I didn’t understand that I had a ministroke. I still have pea size mass still on my head to this day 2 years later from the impact.

Here it is 2 years later. I take a blood pressure medication ,a pill that relaxes my arteries,a pill for depression. I have to take a muscle relaxer to function because I have fibromyalgia.

This year in March I found out I was pregnant. I was delighted. I decided to wait until my next day off to get checked by a doctor. 2 days before my appointment I miscarried. My husband raced to the hospital crying. I told him to slow down. Talan cried saying if he sped maybe they can save it. I cried when I told my husband there is no way to take back the miscarriage. I went into the emergency room where I saw a very pregnant getting ready to be admitted so she could deliver her baby. I was so damn jealous she can have her child but I miscarried. My husband held me as I cried.

My gynecologist said I was placed on blood pressure medicine that caused nural tube defect. She said as soon as they found out I was pregnant they should have switch my medication. I haven’t been trying for a baby. My health issues cause concern.

I am currently on Flexeril for my fibromyalgia pain. I got to break it into quarters to even stay awake. Today is a coffee day the Flexeril is exhausting me. I just need to make this pain bearable so I can cook and serve breakfast at the hotel. God help me I am tired. Most people see this pain as invisible. I heard I could get disability for this condition.

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