bright sunny day in Southern CA in keeping it postive

  • Aug. 21, 2014, 6:11 p.m.
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First activity - go to the pool. But where are the bathing suits? I found ONE. There had been at least 1/2 dozen. Where are they??? I haven't a clue. At least the one fit... tight, but fit. I did my exercises around 10 a.m. A woman in the pool told me about walking backward through the water - it works different muscles. I tried it. Not as easy as it sounds... LOL I figured it was early in the morning, and I would be out for about 1/2 hour, so skipped the sunblock

Next, I had to go to breakfast - it became lunch before I got there - at Denny's. I try to go at least once each trip. I LIKE the food... I got a Cesar salad with chicken and avocado. Bottomless cups of coffee are $2. I wish I drank more...

I must have JUST missed the bus to Denny's, so had to wait the requisite 1/2 hour between buses. In the noontime sun, I could just feel the freckles popping out on my arms. Again... I forgot the sunscreen. After Denny's I went to CVS... and bought and slathered on... some sunscreen!

After CVS... and in the same general area, was Ralph's, a Kroger company supermarket. I entered the "wrong" direction and never got to the produce section - I was too loaded down - three tote bags full - so I guess I go shopping again tomorrow. I also haven't gotten my transit card filled. I have been using tokens which are fine for close by when I don't have to transfer.

I count on going to the early movie at the AMC theater (they have lower prices on the weekends if you go before noon). I have to take the trolley there (after the bus), so will fill my transit card at the trolley station. I'll also go the post office at the mall.

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