EDM and t-storms... in Nocturne's Dailies
- Aug. 12, 2023, 7:45 p.m.
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We are having the best dinner, on my fucking dish night and I’m willing to bet dollars to donuts that C will bail out on me. I just have that feeling. Lasagna, caesar salad, and garlic toast - homemade lasagna! So, I will have a mess on my hands. I just hope to whomever, that Bees will help out. She is a darling in that way. :)
I am listening to old 90’s EDM and wondering if there will be t-storms. They are forecasting this… idk really. Our weather system is so fucking screwed up with El Niño. You don’t know what the hell to expect, y’know??
I can’t believe it. August 25th. 27 yrs ago. Bees and I met at Seneca College. I remember getting so bloody lost that first day?? But I made it to the centre where we were gathered. Was looking for a girl to become friends with, but ended up in front of 3 girls, one which was Bees (I call her Bees online cos ya know?) or Colleen Feeney. They were discussing one of the best boy bands at the time. BSB. (I know, that NKOTB trump BSB as the best but, it was the late 90’s and not the 80’s) So, I turned around, and introduced my bleached blonde (My natural hair color is a deep auburn) red lipsticked self to Colleen/Bees.... and the rest as they say is.... history.
Crazy times and soon it will be 30. That my friend is scary as shit bc, well.. besides my foster family, I have not known someone that long. Not even Julie. I’ve known her for 4 years.
Well.. I need some heat relief.
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