Long time, no write. in Hello.

  • Aug. 21, 2014, 6:38 a.m.
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Quite a lot has happened since I last wrote.
My parent's dog had to be put to sleep a couple of weeks ago. My longer term readers will remember the Border collie, Meg. She was their baby, she went everywhere with them and when they went away on holiday, she'd come and stay here with me. She was more than just a pet, she was a member of the family. My kids adored her. She started having problems with her kidneys earlier this year, meaning she had to be put on a prescription diet. To look at her, you wouldn't think anything was wrong with her. Right towards the end, her walking slowed, her hearing and sight went and (I personally think) her sense of smell went a few weeks ago, when she would walk right past my nana's house or think the sofa had someone sitting on it and would talk to it. Either that, or she just went a bit senile.The poor old dear got grass mites from walking in the long grass and struggled to scratch herself despite the cream my parents would slather on her itchy bits. She was in such a sorry state. Towards the end, the vet said "The only thing keeping her alive is her stubbornness" and my parents just made her comfortable, giving her her favourite foods to encourage her to eat again. I saw her on the Saturday and she seemed a bit "twitchy", a bit like a dog is when it's dreaming, but she was wide awake. Apparently the twitching got worse and they woke up on Monday morning, on her 16th birthday, to her in what looked like a full blown fit. They called the vet and she came round straight away and put poor old Meg to sleep. We're comforted by the fact that she died in a familiar place surrounded by those who loved her.

Beautiful doggy.

Meg 04/08/1998 - 04/08/2014.
I was going to write a massive entry about my holiday to Arran and other stuff I've been up to, but I've made myself all sad again now, so that can wait for another time.

Last updated August 21, 2014

Bomb Shell August 21, 2014

Right now I'm writing my last essay for my Domestic Animal Care course. I've been putting it off for a couple of weeks because it's about the end of life. When a dog or cat gets old, what to do to help them and when to make the euthanasia decision. It's very hard to write now :o(

I like the vet's comment about her being stubborn; well she couldn't be anything else, being a member of our family!

Babe In Toyland Bomb Shell ⋅ August 21, 2014


Bomb Shell Babe In Toyland ⋅ August 21, 2014

It's not your fault, I've been putting it off for a couple of weeks and keep having to stop.

~Twinkle~ August 21, 2014


Cinnamon Crisiant August 21, 2014

So sad, reminds me of our border collie Tilly :( rest well Meg xxxx

Satine August 21, 2014

Sorry for your loss, what a sweet girl, she was a beauty. xx

Deleted user August 21, 2014

Awww I'm
Sorry for your loss. Like I said on your sisters entry, she seemed like a wonderful dog.

Crystal Apple August 21, 2014

Rest in peace Meg. What a beautiful creature xxxx

Miso Honey August 21, 2014

Rest in Peace, Meg. You were well loved.

Great pics.

Lucretia August 24, 2014

Aw :( bye bye Meg Xx

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