just a touch of beauty in Hi This is Kat!

  • Aug. 2, 2023, 6:01 p.m.
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I am notorious at finding a little spot like this and blinging it up a bit. this is a ring, cape clips, and a pretty brooch.... I do a lot of jewelry art and at times the jewelry is just too gorgeous to put in my art. I have a vintage mink shawl I only wear once a year to our little town christmas festival....as most dress up in the 1900’s with long vintage dresser, furs, muffs…and sample yummy christmas candies and see the christmas decor… it is a lot of fun just to see all the old clothing!

Lately I have been in a bit of a funk… thinking it is from worrying so much about Jo’s health. I know one day I will no longer have my bestie and probably sooner than later with all her health issues and her lack of even trying to take care of them… stage 3 cirrhosis, diabetes uncontrolled with an a1c of 11, and refusal to take insulin or any med.low hemoglobin and not taking iron, depression, and I am sure kidneys, heart and eyes are being harmed by the high blood sugar.

I pick up my auction finds tomorrow…

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