what will it take for you to retire? in Hi This is Kat!

  • July 17, 2023, 5:09 p.m.
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Scary for most to even think of and yet many put zero fuc#s in to it.
Our Brokers always told us a person needs at least one million to retire comfortably or 10 times your annual income which ever is more…

I have friends heading into the sixties and still own on their home and cars, maybe a credit card or two with absolutely no money saved for retirement!!!! they live pay check to pay check! How will the ever retire because the number and the left is larger than the number on the right.

Some rent a house and they admit they can never quit work because just the rent and utilities alone is more than the SS checks! I am not sure what happens to a person when they have no choice but to retire from health issues?

those same friends used to laugh at us when we worked over time....

My mother’s home is paid for and she has no other bills like car payment or credit cards, she does not have internet or cable TV and only had about 60,000 in the bank when she was 50… she has managed to live on only her SS check. Oh course, we do pay a lot of things for her like taking her out to eat a lot or buying a little groceries.. we do her repairs and seldom ask her to pay for parts and we keep up her lawn....so it can be done!

Prices will continue to go up but it is doubtful SS will keep up with inflation and for the one who retire early at 62 will lose a lot of future income.

We have become an immediate satisfaction society.... no one saves for things they just put it on a high dollar card.

We put everything on a credit that pays us back but the trick is to pay it off completely every month even if it is 4000.

Invest young as you can even if it is only a few bucks a week

buy smart and start eliminating your debt the best way you can....

it is amazing how your stress level will be so much better

Sorry I didn’t mean to rant but when I think of Norma still renting at 69 and having little to no savings I worry.... her husband still has to work because between both of their SS checks and his full time employment they still struggle to pay their bills. Makes me sad

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