monday in Hi This is Kat!

  • July 17, 2023, 4:24 p.m.
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I cut my finger right at the nail when my fill slipped.... just a tiny little cut it did not even bleed it just hurt when I did it…but I have turned into a whiny ass bitc# over this little tiny hurt!
OMG It is one of the most painful things I have ever had! And I have had two babies, root canal, kidney stones… I am only semi joking this thing is painful! So today I got a magnifying glass out to see if I could see anything… and I did! when I cut it I also split the nail a slither and it was turned sidewise poking into the skin.... I pulled the skin back and took the nail clippers and cut it....AWWWW so much better!

Look how big Tucker is getting!!!! He just turned 2 months.... the little girl in the picture with him is almost 8 months old… there is not much difference in their height. Tucker will be tall like Brooks!

And you got to love how much Brooks loves his baby brother! Every day after school Brooks rushes in to tell Tucker all the things he did and asks him if he is happy.

I switched to a new diabetes med today… ozempic lowest dose… and my blood sugar has been under 100 all day! I have been staying around 130 to 200 the past 7 months so this is great news

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