The World Wars and other things *Edit/addit* in Back entries: 2013 - 2015

Revised: 08/19/2014 1:19 p.m.

  • Aug. 19, 2014, 9:56 a.m.
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Edits are in italics, the addit is the "lastly" section.

The World Wars I seem to be going through a War theme at the moment. Someone I know asked a while back on FB for submissions for a blog he and a mate of his were looking at doing in regards to WWI, which got me thinking about how much/little I know on the subject.

I've put myself down for a few short courses on a website called on the subject, and I've been hanging out for Mondays when the History Channel have been showing this (Australia's already three shows in, out of six - very interesting!). There was an advert in Australia for The World Wars, which had "The High Road" by Broken Bell playing. Which I loved, so I'm sharing it too. :) I think it suits the Promo so well.

Diet has been out the window. I've not been going to the gym at all recently, and I should be. Hopefully I can squeeze at least four days in this week and then go back to five or six days a week as of next week.

New Job: I started my new job last week. I'm working at a hospital, and am doing mornings this week. So it's been a little bit stressful! To top it off, I've not been hearing much from my family (namely my parents - my Dad doesn't email all that often anyway, but Mum's quite regular with her replies, and my brother. Who's taken after Dad).

Family: I googled one of my grandfathers recently, and came across a blog on part of my family tree! I knew I had relatives interstate, and I've managed to get in touch with them. And emailed Mum into the loop, she was stoked when she found out. It's not the first time I've googled him, in the past I've found photos of him connected with his place of work. My grandfather used to work for a major, well respected, British company. Hence I was able to google him so easily and get a couple of photos of him. Got to see some photos that Mum didn't have, and learn a little more about my Great-Grandfather's life.Things such as the fact that he was raised by an aunt and uncle from a young age - I had thought that it had been because there was some "stigma" attached to my great-great grandmother, but that looks like that wasn't the case.

Lastly (Addit): I am doing some studies again. Online, and free. Because I want to. I've done four courses so far - management, something on user experiences in regards to websites (only because I was bored), a course on England during the reign of Richard III (really interesting!), and one on dysphagia and medications (which advertised itself as suitable for nurses and carers, but seemed more directed at doctors and pharmacists...not happy, but I figured I'd complete it anyway).

Last updated August 19, 2014

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