She's back~~ in Since OD is shutting down....
- June 23, 2023, 12:58 p.m.
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My daughter’s back and at her Summer program. I haven’t seen her or talked to her but I’m going to make dinner soon and then go get her. I am so ready to see her little face and hug her. It’s been 6 days and I am so happy for her to be home. They brought over her stuff. It was pretty awkward. His girlfriend called when he had gotten out of the car to dump her off and I guess she had confronted him about telling me to get an abortion and he told her, “there’s a lot you don’t know” and she said to me, “I’m not nice” so she knows that there’s definitely a lot to this story! He said that he didn’t know if I was with other people but it’s like you don’t tell someone to kill their baby!!
This girl definitely says plenty about him but it’s like I want to have a cap on what I say about him because I don’t want to aid in helping chase her off because him staying sober and working benefits us. It’s sad all these years he wasn’t able do it on his own though. She said he got black out drunk and it was bad. So she knows he has issues with drinking and he has to stay sober. I know it’s only going to last so long and she’s going to get tired.
So I was at my brother’s last night and we were talking about her deceased husband. There’s a lot of things we were piecing together. He died at the end of February. They just placed his headstone like a month ago. I think they could have gotten a big insurance policy and she’s receiving his social security. How else did they afford to take my kid on a vacation a few hundred miles away because she told me that he’s working but hasn’t gotten paid yet and he was able to give me a couple hundred dollars? I think he’s going to do what he can to stay with her because she has her own house, car, and income. The more beneficial she is, the more likely he’s going to try and stick around.
He’s a mooch, liar, and an overall freeloader. She still stands on him having a job and I’ll be getting child support regularly. Well, I’m waiting to see if that happens. Nothing has changed on the website and I still haven’t heard from my caseworker. I’m about to fucking explode. I still can’t get a hold of her or the supervisor. I would absolutely love to know what the unholy hell is going on because I should have gotten a payment from the last job and possibly a payment from the new job by now but I keep being told that they have huge case loads and not enough workers so I’m worried I’m just missing payments.
So I was able to reach her. Apparently they had some issue with their messaging system and she didn’t get my messages but said that the payment they got at the beginning of the month was from the new job but they haven’t gotten another one so we think there isn’t a job now. They aren’t going to be able to enforce because of where he’s living and they haven’t been able to verify the address. I could absolutely be fucked. I’m now texting the girlfriend saying I’m trying to get his warrant lifted if she sends information on the new job. I seriously could care less about the warrant but I need to know if there’s even a job because I would like to start seeing consistent money so that I can plan to get my fucking life off the ground. If I don’t get the information than he can just fuck off with that warrant and then I have less reason to feel bad about getting the shit modified and it’s not like I’ll get a dime anyways.
If he doesn’t have a job, it’s less likely he’s going to attend the hearing. I guess I’m just really confused about the time line for all of this. I thought he moved 3 weeks ago but she was telling me that the payment that was made on the first was from the new job?
Ok so I will have to fill out a form and mail back stating that I received a cash payment but it will not affect my benefits but from here on out, all payments must be made directly to the child support office. I guess they will be mailing PIN that has to be used. His girlfriend texted me an address different from the one he sent me the other day and I sent it to my caseworker. I’m really annoyed knowing that he’s still being deceptive by giving me a bullshit address and he’s working under the table so if payments aren’t being made, than I’m going to be screwed so basically, I need to continue being super cool to her.
He’s still managed to make it to where he’s got quite a bit of control by working under the table. I had to tell the girlfriend I was looking to get the warrant lifted by getting reaccuring payments but I needed the address to the employer and she asked, “what if he quits” so obviously she doesn’t trust that he’s going to continue working. Like OMFG! I don’t even know, this is beyond stressful!
It’s just ridiculous to be in this spot because she could switch up on me at anytime and then there’s going to be no payments at all.
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