YAY Elevator! in keeping it postive

  • Aug. 17, 2014, 8:01 a.m.
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I am not getting old, but I am getting older. I have various health issues - minor for sure, but they interfere with walking down and up five flights of stairs carrying bundles. I've been dealing with vertigo this summer and the stairs are basically in a spiral formation... hard enough when I am holding on, but carrying two bags... I don't have a third hand. Also my knees have been twinging. They're pretty much fine, unless I walk up and down a lot of stairs. I'd like to keep them fine, but they are reminding me that I have "issues" there.

For the THIRD time in a couple of months, the elevator wasn't working. I checked it at least 1/2 dozen times on Saturday - NOTHING. So I was amazed to see that it was working early Sunday morning.

First order of business was to take down two huge shopping bags of recycling. Later, after breakfast, I'll take down the bags of garbage.

Later today, I'll either bring some bags of donated items to the thrift shop OR go to the "main" post office that IS open on Sunday... I have some packages to mail out.

It's the little things in life that make or break you... Now... I wish we had actual HOT water... It's warm, but not hot. I'm glad for the elevator service, to be sure...

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