Gorgeous day...bad air in Hi This is Kat!

  • June 9, 2023, 4:46 p.m.
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We still have an air alert from the fires in Canada… not like New York but in some ways worse as you cannot see or smell it. It gives me headaches if I am out for a while.

I am. so sick of listening to tRump cry his lies to anyone who will listen. Lock that Fat orange traitor up once and for all. He has put so much hate in our country with all his lies! It would be such a good day if they put him in prison but I know that won’t happen but maybe they can make him never be able to hold a government office and make him admit to all his lies. But it would be funny if he went to prison and found out what real butt boys are!
Sorry if I offended anyone but all the trump supporters I used to know have turned on him and have seen the light

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