eccentric in Hi This is Kat!

  • May 19, 2023, 1:08 p.m.
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the older I get the more eccentric I feel I am. I am turning into an old hippie… :) I have let my hair grow long… half way down my back. my hair color has changed the past few years… I was a warm blonde but now I have so much white in the front and I actually see what looks to be black or dark brown hair peppered so I and not going to wash away the gray I want to see what this color will look like… maybe a dark silver?

I want out junking at yard sales this morning and I bought a gorgeous Tiffany lamp! it was only 20 dollars and lit up it is gorgeous!
I have a huge sunroom pale yellow walls and I have lots of pretty colorful peacocks. I need to figure out an easy way to post pictures and I will be happy happy joy joy.

So here’s a question for you. out of all the diarist you know… who would you like to meet the most??? Mine is Jody. I have known her via online for over 20 years probably 23 if I remember correctly. we have written on I think 4 different sites so I feel I really know her heart. one day I will fly to Canada to have 2nd cup of coffee with her… her first cup she might stab you if she hasn’t drank it all LOL

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