Time in 2023
- May 13, 2023, 12:25 p.m.
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- Public
It’s our anniversary today. You know, the “til death do us part” one .. I hope you don’t mind that I still recognize today, even though death did us part.
I guess I never really took that seriously? I never imagined death would separate us so soon. At our age? The idea of 40 more years without you when 6 weeks without has destroyed me?
But then I think .. you obviously got cheated out of your life more that I did. So, I have to live these next 40 years for both of us ..
You never got to be a father of your own, but you loved my kids as though they were yours. When they have children, they will be your grandchildren too, and they will know all about you.
Your memorial is complete in the living room. It makes me feel so very close to you. You know that, though. We talk all day.
Oh Babes, I miss you so very much.
Happy Anniversary, my love.
Deleted user ⋅ May 13, 2023
I wish you peace, relief from sorrow and some day if not today, happiness.
Jigger ⋅ May 14, 2023
I hope you’re able to get some rest. I hope you get a visit.
Bomb Shell ⋅ June 23, 2023
I love the idea of living life for both of you. Grab it with both hands and take every opportunity.