Getting Out Of This Depression Is Hard in Me Being Me

Revised: 05/07/2023 7:40 a.m.

  • May 7, 2023, 2 a.m.
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  • Public

Last week I thought I told myself that it’s enough already and it’s time to be happy again. But so far I am not. But then waking up in the mornings and haveing it rains all day doesn’t help either so until the summer is here and it’s 70 degrees outside I will still be cold. And then I look around and see how things still haven’t been fixed and I am worried that they will just get worse and I will get blamed and they will cost more to fix and then she will bitch that she can’t afford to fix it and someone will have to come and fix it because she can’t find the parts needed. The one thing I am really worried about is the gas furnace because it hasn’t been serviced since I have been here. The only thing that gets replaced is the filter. I wish I knew how much dust is in the inside of the furnace and how much longer it will be before it stops working althogether. And will that create carbon Monoxide? And then what?
Until I have moved here I have always had an electric furnace and it was always serviced by the management so I have never had to worry. In fact the issues here that need to be fixed this is the first time ever I have had to deal with this. And to tell you the truth I am really worried that they will just get worse. I just wish I can have someone come and fix all of this and have it done so it will no longer be danagerous or a hazzard to my health.
I have found out that there is only one or three heat vents here and the rest of them are air vents. It was the airvents that were the dirtiest and they were not cleaned out that well. If I didn’t have an allergy to dust I would have cleaned them out myself and maybe even used a vaccunme of some sort. But all she did was use her hand and the dust and dirt just fell out and I am still sweeping the left overs. I hate how she dpesn’t clean up after herself when she is finished the work here.
Anyways she is a slumlord and will always be a slumlord and I just need to accept that and really hope I don’t end up in the hospital. Or worse..DEAD.

Onto something else..

Not much is going to happen today. Just the regualr Sunday stuff and not much more. And dinner I am thinking will be Chili.

Well, I need to stop here…
Do have a great day…
Be Kind, Be Calm, Be Safe, and Behave.

Last updated May 07, 2023

Sleepy-Eyed John May 07, 2023

I'd hate to have a slumlord. Is moving an option?

You should be able to call furnace service to ask about Carbon Monoxide.

You can't think a positive and a negative thought at the same time. Try writing 10 different gratitude per day to rewire brain to think more positively.

Therapist recommended that to me!

Jodie Sleepy-Eyed John ⋅ May 07, 2023

Right now moving is not an option because the rent I would be paying is another $1000.00 on top of what I am paying now. So the plan is when hubby retires we will be finding something for old people who are about 65 and over. And I will be eveicted if i call any service person to fix anything...

Sleepy-Eyed John Jodie ⋅ May 07, 2023

Call service provider for information not a fix.

Jodie Sleepy-Eyed John ⋅ May 07, 2023

I have and I am asking questions via e-mail and so far he has been very helpful. I figure another person who knows is one up for me incase I decde to report her.

Sleepy-Eyed John Jodie ⋅ May 07, 2023

Call landlord tenant advisory board. I don't think she can evict you for that. She might be able to find another reason tho.

Jodie Sleepy-Eyed John ⋅ May 07, 2023

Yeah she can ...she does have a daughter in Georgia Russia but I don't thinnk she has seen her since I have been here. And I have been talking to the tenant people and they say I can report her but then as soon as I do and she finds out she will evict me wearther is wrong or not. But I am just waiting for something to break like the furnace then I will for sure.

Sleepy-Eyed John Jodie ⋅ May 07, 2023

You spoke to the actual landlord tenant advisory board, said your furnace is gas and you're worried about Carbon Monoxide poisoning because it hasn't received maintenance, asked if you could report her.... and THEN they told you if you do you'll be evicted or could be????

Jodie Sleepy-Eyed John ⋅ May 07, 2023

No the slumlord told me if I report her she will evict me. And I haven't said anything about the heat or anything just the mold and the cracks.

Sleepy-Eyed John Jodie ⋅ May 07, 2023

She might not be legally able to do that. However, she might fabricate another reason that is legally viable. I'd check into it.

Anaiss May 07, 2023

My friend Brian went through a very long, severe depression a few years ago, lost his job, and he's still paying for it because now he can't find a job. It infuriates me when people tell someone with depression to "snap out of it". If it was that easy, there wouldn't be any depressed people. If you don't talk to your doctor about your depression, you should.

Jodie Anaiss ⋅ May 07, 2023

I have and I told him about the things wrong here and what needs to be fixed and he told me that they have to get fixed, especially the black/mold and he knows about the heat issues. So that is one professional that knows and can maybe do something.

xiampoesravenx May 07, 2023

I'm coming over for chili... mmm!!! Also, make a gratitude journal. List 5 things every day that you are grateful for. :)

Jodie xiampoesravenx ⋅ May 07, 2023

dinner is at 6 pm and don't be late.

xiampoesravenx Jodie ⋅ May 07, 2023


toddslife May 07, 2023

yes Depression Is Hard i have had Depression most of my life

Jodie toddslife ⋅ May 07, 2023

Do you ever get depressed when you see people are not doing their jib like a landlord fixing things?

toddslife Jodie ⋅ May 07, 2023

yes i do

Jodie toddslife ⋅ May 08, 2023

That is my issue also.

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