Things I'm learning in Age 35

  • May 6, 2023, 2:12 a.m.
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It’s wonderful being a mother. At least for me the journey has been incredible. Its been filled with laughs, tears, worry, and love. A bigger love that I never knew could exist. But I’m learning that motherhood can be kinda lonely. We are a traditional Hispanic household with some modern input. Most of the child rearing I do. So I go out to the park a lot with the kids, to the mall, store etc. And I find myself really wanting adult companionship. Now don’t misunderstand things. The husband does provide that when we are home and go out, but he needs his time away from me as I do from him.

I want some girl friends. Gossiping, look at hot men on Instagram, drinking wine, laughing over shenanigans girl friends. I haven’t really gone out. Every since my son (5), I’ve noticed that the friends you once had start to pull away. Hell, even when I got married some started to pull away. I guess its a natural progression of things? However, where I can find a Tinder or E Harmony for just mom friends? Someone I can form a deep bond with? I don’t really have one.

I miss that part of my life where I would go with them. Dinner, movies, Chippendales....sigh. “Well why don’t you go out now?” Let’s go back to the beginning: I don’t have anyone to go out with. Planning something with other moms I do know is like trying to work out the rigging of a bomb. There are schedules, other commitments, and other people you share your friend with. So all that of that has to be sorted through so that you can plan an outing.

“If you guys really want it, it shouldn’t be that hard.” Well yes in theory. But its not that we don’t want to. We just have others that take priority over, well, friends. Or maybe you’re right and I should just bite an egg (Spanish expression) and go through my list of contacts to meet up with someone.

If finding a friend is what dating is like, dear Lord please let me die married. This shit is hard.

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