Bookgroup? in The Past

  • Aug. 5, 2014, 6:36 p.m.
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I’m thinking of starting up a virtual bookgroup. Yes. A bookgroup, where we can discuss books and read the same book and whatnot. Only, I want to dredge through Amazon’s kindle offerings and grab self-published books that are offered free or for like, .99, so we can read them and find the diamonds in the rough. I’ve slogged through a handful of the freebee books, and found a few that are worth reading, and I don’t want to do it alone anymore. The ones that make me sad are the ones like the book I’m reading right now – the ones that have amazing ideas and settings that are wonderific, but the characters are meh and the writing… -shudders- the writing horrible. They make me sad because of the unfulfilled potential, but mostly because they remind me of my own stories, good settings, good idea, bad follow-through.

I’m thinking if I don’t go ahead and do an actual book group (otherwise known as “No one wants to join me down this rabbit hole”), I might just start reading and posting reviews here… it’d be fun to do that too, even though not as much fun as reading the book with people.

In other news… Mom thinks I should go out and mingle with people, get out of the house, do stuff. So I’m taking her words to heart and seeing about volunteering at a couple places… one’s for just a couple hours a month, and the other… well, the other’s a bit more involved. It’s a mentoring program for juveniles in juvy. It should be fun, even though it’s about 20 pages of paperwork to fill out and an interview process.

It’ll be good, I know it.

Last updated December 25, 2016

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