More About That Soon in Everyday Ramblings
- Aug. 4, 2014, 7:39 p.m.
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It is true, I do, on occasion, take pictures of things other than flowers. :)
This is the view yesterday from the train leaving downtown Portland just coming off our Steel Bridge. I love all the angles and textures here. Plus I know those stairs from the pedestrian point of view quite well. That corner there is a great place to look back on the city from the east side of the river and there are often folks standing there taking photos in the evening as the lights come on.
Usually (and all the time for the last two years) when I take the “train” to Salem our capital city, where Kes and Most Honorable live, it is a bus. It is a nice new nonstop bus. But it is a bus. It even has seat belts. It goes on the freeway.
The train is so much nicer! It costs the same. Our rail system just added some trains into their schedule and I am thrilled. You can walk around, there is electricity and WiFi, the windows are bigger… (Well the WiFi wasn’t working yesterday but it often doesn’t work on the buses either.)
So I got to see where Sammy is buried. His spirit is happy. What remains of it that is tethered to his corporeal existence is right up next to the garage in the garden. The garage is a man cave. That is where Most Honorable has his tools and repairs bikes and assembles boats and it is super guy land and that suits Sam just fine.
The residue of Stella’s spirit is next to him and is slightly annoyed. She enjoyed the break from L’Orange.
Under the peony, the outrageous beautiful pink peony, is my beloved namesake Noko. She has a moderating effect on the two relative newcomers in the flower bed. Always the diplomat she was. They are having a time of it sharing stories.
Us humans had a lovely relaxed day. It was so good for me to get away. We do what families do, chatted and ate yummy food and looked things up via Google and changed batteries in various small electronic gizmos. The big accomplishment was getting the battery changed in my heart rate monitor wrist unit and then getting the time and date properly reset.
We went for what turned out to be a rather vigorous walk at their local wildlife refuge. The have an occupied Osprey nest, fairly low to the ground, and we could hear the fussing for food the chicks were making, almost fledged chicks, as we walked through the path in the big meadow near the river.
Anyway, it was a marvelous, if fire hazy, day and I came home and finished reading my library book. The one with all the ideas for poems for me in it. More about that soon I hope.
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