August - the summer wind-down begins in Tea at the Cabin in the Woods

  • Aug. 4, 2014, 7:02 a.m.
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All the craziness that goes along with summer has us worn out. We traveled near and far, saw people and places we have missed for years, and found we really are grateful for where we live now. I had thought all the moving & shaking was almost over and August could be enjoyed. This is proving to not be the case.

Mom was taken back to the hospital the day hubby and I were flying to Wisconsin for our trip to see family and friends. We ended up picking up my older brother at the Milwaukee airport and driving to Indianapolis directly to the hospital. All 5 of us, siblings, were called home since Mom was doing so poorly. We arrived and she was in the ER observation rooms. She told the Dr. that her heart wasn't doing well and that maybe one of the stints had closed up again. The cardiologist was an arrogant SOB and decided that his Drs. wouldn't make that kind of mistake so it had to be something else. She spent 5 days under-going testing for blood clots and pulmonary issues, of which they found none. Finally, they did another heart cath and found an artery with a 90% blockage they completely missed the month before and five days before... She had the angioplasty and another stint - began feeling better almost immediately.... The arrogant SOB never apologized or admitted they were wrong - had put her through a lot of unnecessary tests and procedures and nearly a week of more trouble than needed.

Yesterday we Mom's 84th Birthday. She wants me to fly back and spend some time with her - saying she is still weak and shaky. She said she has kidney failure (stage 3) and needs to stay quiet. I looked it up. She is not in any danger and needs to follow a better diet. For some reason Mom seems to need to be sick and wants to be taken care of. This is not the woman I grew up with. This is not the person who only a couple months ago was on the run constantly. Her schedule was crazier than mine. She would go to the art guild on Mondays to paint, Wed. she went to her church for the weekly pitch-in luncheon and speaker series, Fridays she met up with friends for lunch and in the evenings went to concerts, Sat. she helped out at the airport teaching high-school kids about flying and plane maintenance, planning and working with the pilots club fundraisers and on Sunday going to services and bible class. Now she's afraid to drive and doesn't leave the house.

The airlines are not doing me any favors right now. Plan tickets to get back to Indy are nearly $500.00. I have 2 doctoral committees I chair with both students doing presentations this week, scheduled meetings with colleagues, a dinner party at our house, luncheon kick off for the NAMI Walk and harvesting the garden. If I can get back, I will have to give up my volunteer work with the town for the Old Home Days Art Show - which I chair - and not be at the events for the week. It's the only time I could get away since the college has decided they want us all back on campus by the 20th for mandatory meetings about the restructuring and divisions we have been placed in. I was hoping for at least that week off before hitting it hard again. So now I have to try to figure out how to get back to spend time with Mom.

It would seem easy to jump on a plane and go. Not so... Hubby doesn't think I should go since my older sister has been really mean lately and trying to guilt me into coming home. Mom has never asked me to come home until a couple days ago. When we got there the day she went into the hospital, Hubby and I stayed for about 24 hours before he pushed to get back to out original travel plans (Which included nearly 2,000 miles of driving over the next six days). I did not get to visit with my Mom much since she was in the hospital and all my siblings were there as well. It was the first time in years all of us were in one place and Hubby did take photos to document that. But now he is trying to pressure me into not going home while I am getting pressure from my Mom to go back... I do not like this push and pull and it's making me sick - literally. My stomach is a wreck and I haven't slept in two days. AAAUUUGGHHHHHHH! Why can't things just be easy?

Okay so now I have vented. On the bright side, Daughter told us yesterday she and new boyfriend (the one we like) are looking for a place together and hope to move by Sept. 1. They are also helping each other quit smoking. She gets her driver's license back on the 12th and will get her car fixed a few days after that. The job at the flower shop is waiting for her once she gets all the driving stuff cleared up. She will run the flower shop and be the designer - which she is very excited about. The BF works for the postal service and just took on another part-time position as a chef (he had done that for several years prior to the postal service). So, everything appears to be going well with her at the moment.

My son is coming to visit the second week in Sept. and has several shows booked in the area while he's here. He will be doing a house concert at our house as well and the invitations are being generated this week. I am excited to have him here and to get to spend a little time with him. Daughter is also looking forward to spending time with her big brother, making plans to introduce him to the local music scene and the promoters in the area.

Well, I have rambled enough. I need to get something accomplished before the arguments begin again about my traveling back to Indy. Wish me luck.

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